I had some extra fabric from my kitchen
chair project, and so I snagged this old upholstered workout bench
from my dad and started in on a new project. It's small enough to not
take up too much space, but strong enough for two people to sit on. I
figured it can be tucked behind the table, put up against a wall near
my entry, or used with my new table and chairs for extra seating. The
bench fabric was very dusty/dirty from years of sitting in my dads
dusty wood shop, and the legs were pretty beat-up and had rusted in
places near the base. The base itself is just plain wood.
My plan was to reupholster the seat (I
decided the orange and brown fabric straight from the 60's didn't
match my decor). Then scrub, sand and paint the legs (testing out
“mirror paint” in the process, cha-ching! Two-fer!!) and possibly
stain the wood bases.
So, that's exactly what I did. Since
the “during” pictures are a little boring, you can see the
process here in a montage.
To start, you can see how dirty and retro the fabric is, how the upholstering is pretty shoddy, and the rust and dinginess of the metal legs to start (shown on the left). Such a labor of love. I scrubbed the legs with hot water, soap and steel wool. You can see how gross they were before, bottom left, then how shiny they are after, second down, top right. Then I tightened the hardware, (I considered taking out the old and replacing them with new, but ended up just painting over them) then I started to take off the current fabric (all shown on the right side).
Originally I was just going to cover
the existing fabric, but when I turned the piece over, I noticed just
a little bit of red material, and it made me curious. So, out came my
handy, dandy reupholstering tool (shaped like a split-fork screw
driver, and did a little prying... literally :)
Then, after the base and legs had ample
time to dry, I taped off the legs at the base and the underside of
the seat, and then got out the spray-paint. In the end, I couldn't
find the mirror paint, so I used the chrome aluminum paint, thinking
if the finish was anything like the cap, that this would be close to
the original finish of the legs, and that it was very mirror-esque.
It isn't. The finish is very matte. I think I probably just got
impatient and didn't do several thinner coats, and thus, the
matte-silver finish, which I think looks better than I'd planned.
Less industrial. The blue painters tape reveal was great!
Then, it was time to get down and
dirty... or just down... on the ground. Down to business; the
business of upholstering! I did the stapling from the underside to
assure tight, clean fabric. I had pre-cut, and placed the fabric on
the bench, the way it would sit when finished.
Then, lying on the ground, stapler in
hand, starting from the center, stapled one side, then pulled the
other side tight and stapled again, then the ends, then back to the
center, working in tandem, out toward the ends. Stapling from beneath
is hard work!! Grrrr. The last step, and the hardest part is the
corners. I cut the excess fabric in a 7 or L shape. Then, pulled and
tucked the corners, as shown top center, and then... ta da!!
Done! I could go back and cut a long
thin piece of tan or burlap fabric to make the bottom look finished,
but I didn't because I didn't have any fabric and I'm lazy!
Well, Bear let me know he likes it from
the start!!!
So, here is the finished product:
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