Monday, September 2, 2013

The Better Body Blog Project

We all want to lose weight, look better, feel better, but we all have the same problems.
1. Lack of motivation
2. lack of support
3. lack of accountability
4. lack of goals.

Well I am motivated by my "Mud Run" 5-k race at the end of the month, and my husband's return from deployment, and I want to look awesome for his return and train for my race. I have the support and accountability of YOU, my readers. I give you full permission to read, follow and call me on it, if I am being lazy and/or slacking. My goals (and the rules for this blog) are these;

The Rules

The Long Term: Spend 365 days working out, making healthier food choices and blogging about what you do, how you feel, and how it affects you. 

The Short Term: Spend the next 30 days (September) making smarter choices and working out for at least 30-45mins per day, with an optional day off (Sunday). You can do any kind of workout you want. The first 30 days is a jump-start.

Take beginning, monthly and "ending" photos, and weigh-ins to display your progress, along with blogging your daily struggles, failures, and good and bad behavior.

So, how to get started:
  • Make small changes - make simple swaps. You can still eat out, just order healthier options. Build meals with a balance of fruits, veggies, protein and fat.

  • Take small steps - don't do more than you can do. Listen to your body, and challenge yourself but (to start) don't overwork, over strain or injure yourself.

  • Don't be too hard on yourself if you mess up or if you can't keep up with a class or video. Do what you can do, give it your best effort and your full attention. Make sure to stretch before and after. When you're through, relax and reward yourself with something like a dunk in the hot tub or watching a movie. 
  • Do NOT reward yourself with food.

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