Monday, August 26, 2013 Pre-launch

Back in June 2012, you may remember reading about "the better body project". Well that was over year ago and I haven't written since about health and fitness.  Then again in March, you may have read about my packing for vacation to Hawaii. In the two months prior to that trip, I spent January and February really digging deep, and lost 10 to 15 pounds and was in the best shape of my life, all in preparation for that trip. I was determined to look amazing in my little black bikini and I feel like I succeeded (although I got zero pictures as proof). But after that point I kind of lost the plot. 

I have the tools. I know what I need to do; what I need to eat and what I need to avoid, how to work out, how to prepare and apply myself and really work to see the results. 

The problem now is motivation. A lot of people will say
"I want to look amazing, I want to lose weight and I want to be healthy but I just don't know how to get started or don't have the motivation."

Me, March 2013 (125 lbs)
Let me tell you something; I'm with you! When I was in Hawaii I felt and looked amazing, and also felt like I deserved a break. But then I got totally  lazy and backslid to the point where I am at the heaviest weight I've ever been in my life. Many of you may be in the same situation. Whether you were once fit but life may have gotten in the way (or laziness, like me), or if you've never been  a fit person to begin with, we're all in the same boat. We aren't where we want to be, for whatever reason. It's easy to be so discouraged that you don't even want to bother, or too overwhelmed to know even where to start.

Me, August 2013 (143 lbs)
Well this is your golden opportunity. This is the place to get started, with me as your friendly guide along the way. is a place to get inspired, find new recipes, weekly menus and shopping lists, work outs, inspirational blogs, as well as a place to leave comments and ask questions. I really do want to hear from you, and help you in whatever way you need, whether you ask "what should I make for dinner?" or "how do I get started?" or even if you just need a  regular word of encouragement or a kick in the pants, this is and a platform for beginning your fitness journey. is YOUR place to ask questions, leave comments and let me know what you need to keep you motivated and on track as you jump-start your fitness journey toward a healthy lifestyle. So feel free to email me at, and let Me know what you need to help you get started!

For the time being will post out of

I will keep you posted when goes live!
Keep watching for updates!!

I will be posting my journey; yes- the good, the bad and the ugly will be posted, hoping it will encourage you on yours. Please forgive the pasty-whiteness, the lumps and bumps, the occasional bouts of self-loathing, and the blatant honesty, but my hope is to lay it all out there, and show you what works and what doesn't. My biggest goal- to help you, in any way I can.


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