Now that my birthday has come and gone, I felt it only right based on yesterdays post that I should share my "Oreo" birthday celebration weekend. I had two days of "partying" sandwiching my actual birthday, which was really quiet, uneventful, even lonely. The days prior and post were anything but.

Friday, I planned and hosted a Formal Event for our church's youth group. We got all dressed up in "formal" attire, and then went out to dinner at the Olive Garden. Then we all drove to the Pastor of our church's house, to watch a movie and have ice cream. This year, the about 85% of the kids in our youth group are all home schooled, and so, in talking to some of them, was reminded that they had no kind of prom or formal event. When I was in high school, it was the highlight of the year to get asked to the spring or winter formal, or prom, all dressed up, go out to dinner, and enjoy the glances and whispers, all speculating on where we were going and what we were doing. Then we'd go to a dance, get our pictures taken, and dance!! True, in the end, we did not dance, but the enjoyment of going out in public, all dressed up and having an enjoyable dinner all together, then going for banana splits and a movie, was equally enjoyable. All the kids had a great time, and it was indeed a highlight to the year, and a nice punctuation to the summer.

We had about 23 kids total, and I had quite a challenge in coordinating enough leaders to drive everyone. It took about two weeks to coordinate and communicate with everyone, so when it came right down to thinking about asking anyone to do something (have lunch or go out shopping with a friend), I had been so totally preoccupied with planning my event, I totally forgot. So the event was festive and fun.

I felt totally overdressed, or at least was the most dressed-up, formally attired one at the party (I wore what I'd have worn in high school; long ball gown and tiara) but felt so beautiful, like a true Cinderella. In fact, the only time I've ever felt more beautifully dressed up was on my wedding day!
I must have showed my age in my choice of formal attire, because none of the kids were wearing full-length, or ball-gown type dresses. The style now a days is tea length. Oh well.
One of my favorite elements to my costume, was my pearl tiara, one that I put together mere hours before the event. When trying on gowns and trying to decide which to wear, I didn't feel the outfit was complete without the quintessential "cherry" on top, so to speak. In my high school days, you'd often see girls at prom, or the other formals wearing little bejeweled crowns; all secretly hoping to be named prom queen no doubt, myself included. So, I made mine, using some pearl flourishes I already had. It truly was the cherry on top, no?

The day of my actual birthday was pale by comparison.While feeling blue and alone, and sitting around the house doing nothing, I got a phone call from my hubby, saying I should go outside and see if I had received a package, and that I should be expecting something special from him. "What could it be?" he coyly assuaged. I had not heard the doorbell ring, any knocks at the door, or any blinks or barks in the direction of the door by my trusted sidekick and guard dog, Bear. Sure enough, there was. Festively wrapped, and sealed with a note, was a smallish box. I was peaked with curiosity.
What was it?? And when I opened the box, I wasn't sure what it was, or what the possibilities of the contents of the box were. I was truly a bit daunted. He had sent me a brand new Ipad mini, complete with a bright pink protective case with a keyboard. He knows I am trying to blog more regularly, so the keyboard was an especially helpful and thoughtful addition. Plus, the protective, versatile case was bright, hot pink! My favorite color. I spent the next few hours just playing with it, trying to figure out all the apps and features. It is so cool; even now I can't even tell you everything it does, but it has Siri (which can also be used to take dication, my favorite feature), you can play games, watch movies, and blog!! He had said it was something I'd always wanted, but would never have bought for myself. How right he was! His thoughtfulness and generosity made my day!

Sunday, the day after my birthday, my neighbor and friend, agreed to throw a party for me. Originally I had planned a wine-tasting party (for Saturday), but had no one able to come. I took it personally at first, thinking no one cared to come. But then my darling husband, all the day from an overseas deployment called one of the husbands of the ladies I'd invited, to find out why no one had RSVP'd. Apparently there was a bachelorette party planned for the same day, and all the ladies that I had invited were already committed to going, and couldn't come to my party. So, my honey called my neighbor, who arranged to change the date of the party, and knowing how stressed I had been over planning the formal event, she insisted on doing everything herself.

I had agreed to share half the cost and trouble of preparing food for the wine-tasting party, and with the new one, after the change, I wasn't allowed to help at all.
She overwhelmed me by her careful and wonderful preparation of food and decorations. And I was equally overwhelmed by the turnout of supportive friends.
My parents even drove up for the day and surprised me! I was overwhelmed by feelings of love and support from all sides. And all because of a phone call from my beloved husband from half a world away. Yes, I think it's fair to say I feel loved and supported by my friends and family on this, my 30th birthday.
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